Did you know that Uber penalizes riders who have too many cancellations?

Yes! You read that right, you cannot request for an Uber ride if you have too many cancellations.

After 5-6 consecutive request cancellations, you won’t be able to request for a ride for a certain “cooling period”. Cooling period ranges from 15mins to 24 hours. You’ll have to wait this out before you can request for a trip again. You can also email Uber support at support@uber.com if you’re service hasn’t been reinstated after this period.

Here’s the error that shows up when you try to request for a ride after you’ve had too many cancellations.

File Jul 17, 9 49 40 AM


Happy Riding! #UberON


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Get a Free Uber Ride up to Php 200 when you sign up with Uber! Use Promo Code: UBERMNLTIPS

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